Friday, May 25, 2012

make your own unique iPhone case, KEES

Introducing wonderful 3D printed iPhone cover, KEES

If you are tired having same mobile case with others or just want to have a unique cover to show your character with your iPhone, KEES 'll one option for you. KEES is from Holland, the name KEES means 'case' (say 'case' out loudly). They make cases for iPhone for now, but they are working on supporting other phones in the future. 

Go and click 'design your own' 

See the START NOW ! if so, start making your own design!

There are many options you can try it on the site. 
various and unique designs are available.
It's 3D design cover, so you can choose two type of cover design.

I just made my case! you can definitely make more design.
Visit and put your creative cover on your iPhone! 


  1. 注目ファッションブランドの【ANNASUI】アナスイ iphoneケースは、持っていませんか。海外セレブにも愛用者が多数いてる人気ブランドです。アナスイらしいミステリなパープル色使いとバタフライロゴが可愛くて女性におすすめです。地球がロゴであるヴィヴィアン iphone ケースが、独特でお洒落です。反逆性とエレガンスを兼ね備えたアヴァンギャルドなデザインで知られる。ますます流行っていくなりますよ。今すぐ注意を払おう。

  2. The allure of having a new iPhone is its ability to streamline your life in a way that is customized to your lifestyle needs. Why stop at the phone and apps? The iPhone case is not just for device protection. Custom design your own iPhone case and express your own personal style.



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